Individually created landscapes of the North of England. Inspired by Nature and made with Love.
Autumn in the Dales
Needle felted and wet felted to produce the autumnal scene. Currently unframed. This image will be available to buy from The Handmade Gift Shop in the Piecehall Halifax when complete.
Gateway to the Dales
Stood in the Summer
Winter Scene
Road to Nowhere
Large image framed in solid oak. This has True View glass. This picture is currently being displayed and is on sale at The Handmade Gift Shop in the Piecehall Halifax.
Allium Heads
Muted colours used to fit most homes. This is one of my personal favourites. Allium Heads is now on Sale at the Handmade Gift Shop in the Piecehall Halifax.
Hey You
First Snow of Spring
Large Dales in the Summer
Stood in the snow
Give us a Chip!
Currently unframed an without a home.
Its been a long Winter
Currently awaiting frame. This picture will be placed in The Handmade Gift Shop when complete.